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My Healing Practice

Hi! Im Aeriol Ascher. I have had a long career as an Intuitive Healing Artist, Bodyworker and Teacher.  I have had a lot of success in my career and have evolved my healing arts practice in many ways over the years.


I remember what a hard decision it was in 2017 when I closed my award winning Reiki Angel Massage day spa and downsized my healing space and my client load into my small home studio in order to pursue Public Speaking and to promote my Coaching Practice.


During this time I was able to focus my energy into the production of my award winning show Healing Body Mind and Soul in which I interviewed close to 300 Holistic Practitioners from all over the world who were on a similar mission to raise the consciousness of the planet by empowering self care and healing in others.

Inspired by the people I was interviewing I began writing on various healing and empowerment topics and became a contributing author in numerous internationally best selling books before compiling two International Best Selling books of my own.

During the 2020 shut down my first book project Empowered Self-Care became an overnight international best seller and the Empowered Self-Care Video Series earned us two Communicator of Distintion Awards.  My second book compilation Awakened Leaders was met with equal success. 



My Approach

It was during my second book Awakened Leaders when the world began to open up a bit that I felt it was time for me to get back to my bodywork roots.  I decided to attend a 500 hour Pilates Teacher Training. I completed not only my teacher training but also my apprenticeship program and am happy to say I am now a fully certified teacher of Pilates and I generally teach anywhere between 10-15 classes weekly at my local Club Pilates in North San Jose and Palo Alto, CA. 

I enjoy being able to put my 30 years of self-care coaching and mind- body healing into practical use to empower people to move more freely and to feel more comfortable in their bodies. I must admit It feels so good to get back to my roots as a practitioner and teacher despite the great success I experienced in media and publishing. 

Thank You for taking the time to read about what I have been up to. If you find yourself in need of any of my holistic healing or coaching services please do not hesitate to reach out. I would be thrilled to assist you on your own healing journey.

To your success,

Aeriol Ascher

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